

What is Dropshipping?

Want to know more about dropshipping?

Drop-shipping is a growing business worldwide with low risk and a medium barrier to entry. If you want to start your own drop-shipping business or looking to optimize your store to get that needed traffic, then DomGyr has got you covered.an online shop owner.

DomGyr provides drop-shipping services on every platform, whether be it Amazon, Shopify, Etsy you name it.
What is Dropshipping?

Want to know more about dropshipping?

Drop-shipping is a growing business worldwide with low risk and a medium barrier to entry. If you want to start your own drop-shipping business or looking to optimize your store to get that needed traffic, then DomGyr has got you covered.an online shop owner.

DomGyr provides drop-shipping services on every platform, whether be it Amazon, Shopify, Etsy you name it.

Our Dropshipping Experts

Zaeem Kazmi


Haris Ali

Domgyr is here to help you out at every step. Lets discuss in detail about the Domgyr's drop-shipping services in the following categories:

Store Setup

It could be a hassle for newcomers to set up a drop-shipping store. Fortunately, DomGyr can ease that distress by,

1. Company (LLC/LTD) Creation

2. Store setup from A to Z

3. Handling the store

Store Setup

It could be a hassle for newcomers to set up a drop-shipping store. Fortunately, DomGyr can ease that distress by,

1. Company (LLC/LTD) Creation

2. Store setup from A to Z

3. Handling the store

Selecting a competitive supplier

Good sourcing can make or break a drop-shipping store. Also keeping track of what products are being sold and managing the orders is an important aspect. Drop-shipping is a fulfillment model. This means that finding a supplier that provides you with the best prices is crucial for your store. This is where DomGyr comes in with its experts and extensive experience in dealing with suppliers and opening stores will ensure that you get the best supplier for your products.

Selecting a competitive supplier

Good sourcing can make or break a drop-shipping store. Also keeping track of what products are being sold and managing the orders is an important aspect. Drop-shipping is a fulfillment model. This means that finding a supplier that provides you with the best prices is crucial for your store. This is where DomGyr comes in with its experts and extensive experience in dealing with suppliers and opening stores will ensure that you get the best supplier for your products.

Product Niche selection

A good product niche is necessary for targeted customers. Important points to consider while selecting a product that;

➡️  Has good sales projection
➡️  Solves a pain point
➡️  Frequently purchased
➡️  Trendy product

Product Niche selection

A good product niche is necessary for targeted customers. Important points to consider while selecting a product that;

➡️  Has good sales projection
➡️  Solves a pain point
➡️  Frequently purchased
➡️  Trendy product


Building a store is not the only headache that you will be facing, but also keeping a consistent traffic rate on your store. By generic customer reviews and product ratings, your store will be thriving.

Operational Flexibility

Drop-shipper, you can operate your store from anywhere in the world as you are the middleman. Due to this, it has a low barrier to entry than say PL or Wholesale

Optimized Product Listing

SEO optimized listing is essential for making sure that you get seen in the search. We provide SEO Item Titles, Product Descriptions, HD images. One glance at the listings will want the customer to buy your product.


Building a store is not the only headache that you will be facing, but also keeping a consistent traffic rate on your store. By generic customer reviews and product ratings, your store will be thriving.

Operational Flexibility

Drop-shipper, you can operate your store from anywhere in the world as you are the middleman. Due to this, it has a low barrier to entry than say PL or Wholesale

Optimized Product Listing

SEO optimized listing is essential for making sure that you get seen in the search. We provide SEO Item Titles, Product Descriptions, HD images. One glance at the listings will want the customer to buy your product.

Less Overhead & Operational Costs

With no physical store and inventory, you don’t have to pay up any up-front cost to anyone. In this way, your operational cost also decreases and lets you focus on marketing the product as a whole.
All your external costs are limited, but other external costs needs to be managed effectively. In the drop-shipping business everyone is competing for price For e.g. a person looking to buy a product goes to two stores. One has a higher price but your store due to managing costs has lower price so the person will buy from your store.

Less Overhead & Operational Costs

With no physical store and inventory, you don’t have to pay up any up-front cost to anyone. In this way, your operational cost also decreases and lets you focus on marketing the product as a whole.
All your external costs are limited, but other external costs needs to be managed effectively. In the drop-shipping business everyone is competing for price For e.g. a person looking to buy a product goes to two stores. One has a higher price but your store due to managing costs has lower price so the person will buy from your store.

Customer Support

As a drop-shipper, you are not owning any inventory, but forward the order to a third party. Customer support becomes a big hassle due to constant orders and replying back and forth. We will ensure that you don’t get;

➡️  Angry Customers
➡️  Chargebacks
➡️  Refunds
➡️  Bad Reviews

In drop-shipping managing customers is everything. If customers are satisfied with the experience, than scalability can happen.

Customer Support

As a drop-shipper, you are not owning any inventory, but forward the order to a third party. Customer support becomes a big hassle due to constant orders and replying back and forth. We will ensure that you don’t get;

➡️  Angry Customers
➡️  Chargebacks
➡️  Refunds
➡️  Bad Reviews

In drop-shipping managing customers is everything. If customers are satisfied with the experience, than scalability can happen.

Scalability & Growing Profits

If you are looking to scale up your drop-shipping business, DomGyr will help you do it according to your budget.
Scaling a drop-shipping business is easy, but also hard at the same time.
Imagine getting a $100K sale a month and you want to scale to let $150K sales in a month. With the increased sales work of handling the customers will increase. Fortunately, we will handle all of that and more for you. In the end, profits will keep soaring.

Scalability & Growing Profits

If you are looking to scale up your drop-shipping business, DomGyr will help you do it according to your budget.
Scaling a drop-shipping business is easy, but also hard at the same time.
Imagine getting a $100K sale a month and you want to scale to let $150K sales in a month. With the increased sales work of handling the customers will increase. Fortunately, we will handle all of that and more for you. In the end, profits will keep soaring.