Ebay Dropshipping

Ebay Dropshipping

What is Ebay Dropshipping?

Want to know more about Amazon to ebay dropshipping?

The drop-shipping market in 2020 generated revenue of about $128.6 Billion and this market will grow. One of these thriving markets is Amazon to eBay drop-shipping. However, making yourself and your products get noticed might be a difficult task in this crowd, but DomGyr has got you covered. From setting your account to making your first sale DomGyr will be with you

While starting a drop-shipping venture through this model and making it successful, a few things play into this;
What is Ebay Dropshipping?

Want to know more about Amazon to ebay dropshipping?

The drop-shipping market in 2020 generated revenue of about $128.6 Billion and this market will grow. One of these thriving markets is Amazon to eBay drop-shipping. However, making yourself and your products get noticed might be a difficult task in this crowd, but DomGyr has got you covered. From setting your account to making your first sale DomGyr will be with you

While starting a drop-shipping venture through this model and making it successful, a few things play into this;

Our Dropshipping Experts

Zaeem Kazmi


Haris Ali

What you Need?

Amazon is one the biggest global sellers and eBay while on the other hand has a buyer’s market. Both of them go well together.
Before starting drop-shipping in the eBay sector you will need;

Amazon Account

Through this orders will be placed and dispatched to your desired eBay customer.

PayPal Account

By integrating the PayPal account to eBay and Amazon, payments can be transferred and released.

eBay Account

The customers will buy through your listings and orders will be placed,

What you Need?

Amazon is one the biggest global sellers and eBay while on the other hand has a buyer’s market. Both of them go well together.
Before starting drop-shipping in the eBay sector you will need;

Amazon Account

Through this orders will be placed and dispatched to your desired eBay customer.

PayPal Account

By integrating the PayPal account to eBay and Amazon, payments can be transferred and released.

eBay Account

The customers will buy through your listings and orders will be placed,

Account Setup

Amazon and eBay both have strict laws regarding setting up the account. DomGyr will take this headache of setting the account, but it will require;

1. Address i.e. House address

2. Bank Account i.e. to receive payments and also a sign of proof

Account Setup

Amazon and eBay both have strict laws regarding setting up the account. DomGyr will take this headache of setting the account, but it will require;

1. Address i.e. House address

2. Bank Account i.e. to receive payments and also a sign of proof

Amazon Prime Buyer Account

Purchasing the Prime account subscription waves off the shipping fee making dropshipping a lot easier. Let’s say you have sourced a product from Amazon selling for $10 and you will be selling it at $20 at your eBay store. Add the shipping and fee cut by eBay you will be left with a marginal profit of around $3-$4. The Prime account alleviates this difficulty for you.

Amazon Prime Buyer Account

Purchasing the Prime account subscription waves off the shipping fee making dropshipping a lot easier. Let’s say you have sourced a product from Amazon selling for $10 and you will be selling it at $20 at your eBay store. Add the shipping and fee cut by eBay you will be left with a marginal profit of around $3-$4. The Prime account alleviates this difficulty for you.

Phases of eBay Drop-shipping

Let’s say you want to start an eBay dropshipping store with this business model and are curious about how your store will grow, well DomGyr has got you covered through these phases;

Setup Account: 1st month low ROI

For the 1st month of your store, fewer products will be listed to avoid eBay looking into you and so consequently less ROI.

2 – 3 Months: Listings Increased and Account Matures

Through more listings, your Bay drop-shipping store will be receiving more orders than ever, and a rise in ROI will occur.

Scaling your Account

With more investment, more listings could be added, i.e. more products more revenue.

Phases of eBay Drop-shipping

Let’s say you want to start an eBay dropshipping store with this business model and are curious about how your store will grow, well DomGyr has got you covered through these phases;

Setup Account: 1st month low ROI

For the 1st month of your store, fewer products will be listed to avoid eBay looking into you and so consequently less ROI.

2 – 3 Months: Listings Increased and Account Matures

Through more listings, your Bay drop-shipping store will be receiving more orders than ever, and a rise in ROI will occur.

Scaling your Account

With more investment, more listings could be added, i.e. more products more revenue.

Product Niche selection Budget and ROI (Return of Investment)

The minimum budget for this business model is,

➡️  $500 – $1000
➡️  ROI will be around 20%-25%

Although, this budget could be increased with an obvious increase in profits.

Product Niche selection Budget and ROI (Return of Investment)

The minimum budget for this business model is,

➡️  $500 – $1000
➡️  ROI will be around 20%-25%

Although, this budget could be increased with an obvious increase in profits.

Duration of Shipping

With FBA, your product will be shipped to your customer in around 2 – 3 days or less. This further adds to your competitive advantage over your competitors, which DomGyr will provide.

Product Selection

A Basic requirement for product selection is;
➡️  A product that sells at a higher price on eBay
➡️  A Non-Branded product to avoid trademark laws

Account Closure

Account closure is a problem while operating a drop-shipping store. As amateurs start doing drop shipping without knowing the repercussions. But DomGyr will set up your store A to Z taking care of all these hassles.

Duration of Shipping

With FBA, your product will be shipped to your customer in around 2 – 3 days or less. This further adds to your competitive advantage over your competitors, which DomGyr will provide.

Product Selection

A Basic requirement for product selection is;
➡️  A product that sells at a higher price on eBay
➡️  A Non-Branded product to avoid trademark laws

Account Closure

Account closure is a problem while operating a drop-shipping store. As amateurs start doing drop shipping without knowing the repercussions. But DomGyr will set up your store A to Z taking care of all these hassles.

Keeping the Store Optimized

Once the product has been set up and orders are coming in, optimizing the store for maximum profit is necessary. DomGyr with its experts does that by.

Filtering the Listings

Adding and removing products that are no longer selling

Re-pricing Listings

In drop-shipping, you are not holding any inventory but are relying on someone else. Some products may go out of stock or their prices may fluctuate

Customer Management

Customers are directly related to your store’s survival. By managing the customers’ demands and complaints, good profit can be ensured

Keeping the Store Optimized

Once the product has been set up and orders are coming in, optimizing the store for maximum profit is necessary. DomGyr with its experts does that by.

Filtering the Listings

Adding and removing products that are no longer selling

Re-pricing Listings

In drop-shipping, you are not holding any inventory but are relying on someone else. Some products may go out of stock or their prices may fluctuate

Customer Management

Customers are directly related to your store’s survival. By managing the customers’ demands and complaints, good profit can be ensured